16 Jan Two Colors Sibolangit Waterfall, One of The Most Beautiful Waterfalls in Indonesia
Two Colors Sibolangit Waterfall located in the district Sibolangit Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia. These attractions can also be said to be not far from the Karo. The trip to Sibolangit, departing from Medan to location takes approximately 2 hours, can use public transport or also with the services provided by the travel providers you use. Sibolangit waterfall not directly visible, it takes an effort again by going into the Forest, assisted by mentors local professional then the waterfall can only be seen after approximately 3 hours, therefore you who want to enjoy the natural beauty of waterfalls Sibolangit must be willing to walk without using the vehicle at all. Two color sibolangit waterfall at an altitude of 1270 meters above sea level, has a height of about 75 meters waterfall with a source of water originating from Mount Sibayak.
The tourists who visit this place most wanted to see what kind of waterfall has two colors and more are coming to eliminate saturated as a result of everyday activities and sometimes even some that carry a tent to stay in place.
You should departure from Medan morning, so get Sibolangit at 10am. Given the time required to traverse the forest long enough, then those who do not want to stay can go home the same day. After reaching the Sibolangit, you are required to register and pay the fees of IDR 22,000, which also has included money guides who are ready to help during the journey through the forest. During the trip to the two colors waterfall , you can also see a variety of plant species which are typical plants of Forest Sibolangit, so it will not feel tired and exhausted. The guide will also provide an opportunity for you, if you feel the need to rest for a while so can restore power.
Two colors sibolangit waterfall located so deep that to achieve your demands must also be able to cross the stream, which currently make the crossing to be more careful because there are a lot of rocks full of moss on the bottom of the river. A guide will advise you to hold each other to keep from falling. In addition, you will pass through a steep path which needs to hold onto a rope that has been prepared by the guides in order to pass through these lines.
A trip that takes quite a long time until approximately 3 hours will be paid as soon as you arrive at the place where the two colors Sibolangit waterfall can be seen. Prepare to feel the cold and cool air around this place, and the most makes the heart so quieter is the sound of water splashing waterfall can be heard clearly. The way to eliminate fatigue on the way is to plunge directly under the waterfall Sibolangit.
A guide will explain to you in detail what is the thing that causes Sibolangit Waterfall so had two color so your curiosity will be answered. During their stay in this place, in addition to conducting a bath under a waterfall then you can also capture images of yourself with friends and family with the example pictured below the falls, this will definitely be a very memorable to spend the holidays, and make sure you carry enough stock to be able to be enjoyed while in this place.
Before leaving, make sure the waste of food that you take it to be collected in one place and taken out of this place, so you have participated in maintaining and caring for the natural beauty of two colors Sibolangit waterfalls medan and so these sights will always be a lot visited by other tourists because cleanliness is maintained.
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